Domestic Violence Awareness Week 2012 (Review)

The action-packed week, seen out with a bang, has come to a close; and in case you missed it, we’re here today to run through Domestic Violence Awareness Week insha’Allah.

Monday 12th March 2012: Survivor Stories (Documentary)

Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, we were unable to process the documentary as planned. However, rest assured, we are working on this as we speak and will have it up by next week insha’Allah.

Tuesday 13th March 2012: Nour Hits the Streets

We hit the streets with two aims:[1] Awareness: A fundamental feature to bring DV to an end, thus we will be highlighting its occurrence to the Muslim community as well as extensively stressing the dire need to unite to tackle this issue.
[2] We will be filming the public, interviewing them and attaining their perspective of DV; giving us the platform to educate and inform them of any misconceptions. It would also allow us to document the perspectives held.

There was definitely a mix of opinions. Masha’Allah, all in all, we got a fantastic response! As it went so well, we have decided to do it again on another day in Tower Hamlets! So watch out for us! Here’s a sneak peak!

Wednesday 14th March 2012: Nour in the Media

Nour’s very own counsellor and an imaam [Khalida Haque and Shahnawaz Haque] appeared as guests on the Nihal Show; speaking of Islam and Domestic Violence. Is there a relationship? Tune in to find out..

Thursday 15th March 2012: Sabr is Not Suffering in Silence (Webinar)

Sister Yasmin Mogahed delivered a powerful, awakening and influential seminar regarding the misunderstanding of sabr and the misconception that sabr equates to suffering in silence.

Sister Yasmin, following her talk, took on questions relating to domestic violence and enlightened many people of the many common questions that were raised regarding this issue. Watch the webinar here!

Friday 15th March 2012: Domestic Violence Khutbah

JazakumAllahu khairan to all the Imaams who took part! May Allah be pleased with them. The following masajid delivered a khutbah on Domestic violence Alhamdulillah and you can listen to a few here and here.

Saturday 17th March 2012: Solace in Your Spouse

Alhamdulillaah Saturday’s Solace in Your Spouse was an incredibly beneficial event. It was one of those that if you missed it; you really did miss out!! Our amazing speakers (Sheikh Abdullah Hasan, Sheikh Suliman Gani, Sheikh Hasan Ali and Imam Ajmal Masroor) gave speeches which filled the hearts of the attendees with great comfort, knowledge and understanding. The speakers provided humour mixed with reality. They spoke of real life events and brought some facts home. We pray that the attendees had benefitted immensely from the event and ask that you keep our amazing speakers in your humble prayers. InshaAllaah the knowledge gained will be utilised well, and inshaAllaah the Almighty will reward each and every person who made this event a success.

Sunday 18th March 2012: The Blank Slate Exhibition & Auction

From an artistic competition to an exhibition which culminated in an auction, The Blank Slate has officially come to an end! It was a brilliant intimate affair with passionate speeches, emphatic poetry and of course beautiful art.
Our final winners were: Sa’adiah Khan with Mohamed Ahmed & Jazmin Begum Kennedy as runners up…some brilliant prizes coming your way very soon insha’Allah. Read the full review here ?

Thank you to all those who participated, supported and brought forth a creative movement in the name of raising awareness of Domestic Violence through the medium of art. You can read the full review here.

Nour would like to extend its gratitude to all those who sponsored DV week, supported us and encouraged us. Please keep Nour in your humble du’aas and especially those who we work with. Du’aas requested for sincerity, tawfeeq and success.

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